You can export 30-day snapshot, Facility Reports or filter by date range reports from My Account. The reports will be in Excel format.
30-Day Snapshot
From the Reports tab, under QUICK REPORTS, choose one of the following:
Active Auctions
Sold Auctions
Unsold Auctions
Cancelled Auctions
Cancelled After Sold Auctions
Draft Auctions
Imported Auctions
Live Auctions
Facility Reports – Generate a list of your active facilities
Filter by Date Range
You can also export a report for a specific date range. Go to Online Auctions pull-down and choose an auction type. Then, just above the list of auctions on the left, click “Filter by Date Range” and choose ‘Custom Date Range.’ Once the date range is selected, click the Export button to the right. Go to the Reports tab and click the EXPORTS link to download the custom report.
Note: Reports can be filtered for a 90-day period
To download a report:
- Click EXPORTS from the Reports tab.
- Click the Download button to obtain the report. Reports will be available for 30 days.
- Click Remove to delete reports.