Photos are the most important selling point of Online Auctions. Below are our recommendations:
- Use a digital camera or smart phone.
- Camera Flash should be set to ‘On’ (especially darker areas of unit).
- Camera resolution settings should be set to 1600x1200 or higher, up to 2500.
- Take 10 to 25 clear, quality photos
- Take a photo of the entire unit.
- Photograph each quadrant (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).
- Zoom in and photograph as many of the different items in the unit.
- Photograph important details of high-end items, including model numbers, special features or other notable areas.
- If selling a vehicle or watercraft, provide exterior and interior photos.
- For vehicles, blur or remove license plate number (optional).
- Before you close the unit, review the photos that were taken on your camera or phone. Retake any blurry or dark photos.
- Post an Online Auction
- Go to ‘Facility Mgmt’ tab and click “New Auction” or
- Click “Post Auction” from the top menu bar.
- Auction Details
Auction Type MUST be ‘Non Lien Unit/Manager Special’
Lien Auctions must be pre-approved by Customer Support.
- Auction Unit Information
- Unit number Input the unit number of your storage unit. The unit number only appears on the Invoice and must match the number on the storage unit. The buyer may verify this when picking up the unit.
- Tamper Tag (optional)
- Unit Width and Unit Length
- Unit Appears to Contain
- Provide a detailed list of items in the unit.
- Include brands, model numbers and other details of high-ticket items.
- Avoid broad descriptions such as ‘household goods.’ Instead, list all of the different items, styles, brands and features to entice bidding.
- Make sure there are no Prohibited Items in the unit. See Private Seller Rules/Items to Sell/Prohibited Items and remove any such items before posting the auction.
- If selling multiple boxes of the same item, photograph and describe one of the items outside of the box so the bidders see what you are selling.
- Exclusions for shelving or tables should be included. See Private Seller Rules/Items Not to Sell/Exclusions for details.
- Sales Tax, Cleaning Deposit, Clean-out Time – auto-populated from Default Auction Settings (skip these fields)
- Categories
Select categories that match the items listed in Unit Appears to Contain
- Auction Date/Time - We recommend that the auction run for 7 to 10 days
- Click the ‘Next: Upload Images’ button
- Upload Images
- Upload 10 to 25 bright, clear photos
- Set entire unit photo as first image
- Arrange remaining photos by marketability
- Do not include an image of the storage unit number or tamper tag (doing this identifies the unit and increases risk of break-ins).
- Click ‘Next: Preview Auction’ button
- Preview Auction
Review photos, descriptions, categories and auction date
- Post Auction
Select ‘Post This Auction Now’ button
Note: DO NOT ‘Save as Draft’ if you want the auction to be open for bids immediately.
Private Sellers can edit an Active Auction as long as there are no bids placed on the auction. Once bids have been placed you CANNOT edit the auction.
- Click the “Online Auctions” pull-down, then select “Active Auctions.”
- Find the unit you want to edit, click the “Actions” pull-down and select “Edit.”
- Make updates to the auction posting.
- Go through each step to save and post the auction.
If bids have been placed and you need to enhance the description or add additional photos, you will not be able to edit the auction. You will need to contact Customer Support for assistance.
Note: We will NOT remove or exclude items from an auction with bids. You will have to cancel and repost the auction.