- Misspelled name of tenant on the lien letter or ad.
- Missing suffixes on the lien letter or ad (i.e. Jr, Sr, III).
- Spelling of tenant’s name does not match between the lien letter and ad.
- Spelling of tenant’s name does not matching between the lien letter and certificate of mailing receipt.
- Tenant address incorrect (misspelled, wrong number, missing apartment number).
- Zip code incorrect (must match the results of a USPS zip code search).
- Address or tenant name on the lien letter does not match the mailing receipt exactly.
- Unit number on StorageTreasures does not match the lease.
- Lease not signed.
- Not enough time expires between the mailing of the lien letter and demand for payment date as stipulated by each state lien law. The date the letter is deposited with the USPS is not counted as one of the required days. The day after the mailing is deposited with the USPS starts the required days.
- Demand date does not expire before the running of the first advertisement.
- Sale date on the lien letter must match the closing date on StorageTreasures.
- Sale time on the lien letter must match or expire before the closing time on StorageTreasures.
- Advertisement must meet all the legal requirements (unit number, description, once a week for two consecutive weeks).
- Sale date must fall after the stated required number of days set forth in each state’s lien laws for the number of days required after advertisement. The date the advertisement is published is not counted as one of the required days. The day after the advertisement is run starts the required days count.
- Unit contains medical/legal documents (if visually obvious).
- Unit contains prescription drugs/illegal drugs (if visually obvious).
- Unit contains vehicle (without proper paperwork).
- Unit contains hazardous materials (if visually obvious).